1.1 Spillway
- Spillway is a structure used to control and manage the flow of water in hydropower plant.
Function of spillway:
- Helps to maintain water level of the reservoir at a constant level.
- Helps to regulate the flow of water.
- Prevent from flooding by allowing controlled released of water.
- Protect hydropower from overtopping.
- Helps to reduce erosion downstream.
Types of spillway:
A. Based on control mechanism
a. Controlled spillway:
- It has mechanical structure or gate to regulate the rate of flow.
b. Uncontrolled spillway:
- Does not have gate.
B. Based on purpose
a. Main spillway:
- Designed for safe passage of designed maximum flood.
b. Auxiliary spillway:
- Used in extreme cases to prevent a catastrophic breach to the dam.
c. Emergency spillway:
- Used in emergency situation when incoming discharge exceeds maximum design flood.
C. Based on prominent feature
a. Free fall spillway:
- It is one which flow drops freely from the crest.
- Not suitable for high drops.
b. Ogee spillway:
- Ogee spillway is a modified type of vertical drop spillway which has a control weir that is ogee shaped in profile.
- It is curved structure that is designed to provide a more efficient flow of water over a dam than traditional spillway.
- Used in high solid gravity dam.
c. Side channel spillway:
- Control weir is placed alongside approximately parallel to spillway discharge channel.
d. Chute spillway:
- Transfer excess water from behind the dam.
e. Siphon spillway:
- Difference in height between intake and outlet create pressure difference to remove water.
- Formation of bubbles in fluid due to decrease in pressure.
- Occurs when the flow of water through the turbine is too fast, creating vacuum.
- Reduce efficiency of turbine.
Prevention measure:
- Install anti-cavitation device such as aerator.
- Reduce water velocity by increasing the size of spillway.
1.2 Method of energy dissipation
Energy dissipation:
- Minimizing the flow velocity to acceptable limit.
Type of energy dissipation:
- Suitable when foundation rock is good quality to withstand erosion.
- When tail water is low depth ski-jump formation takes place.
2. Flip bucket (Roller Bucket):
- Used to dissipate energy in situation where tail water depth is insufficient for the formation of hydraulic jump.
3. Stilling basin:
- Used to dissipate the energy of discharge passing the overflow section before the discharge is returned to the downstream river channel.
a. Horizontal apron stilling basin
b. Sloping apron stilling basin
- Dandekar, M. M., & Sharma, K. N. (2010). Water Power Engineering. Vikas Publishing House.
- Punmia, B. C., Pande, B. B. L., Jain, A. K., & Jain, A. K. (2016). Irrigation and Water Power Engineering. Laxmi Publications.
- Singh, Bharat (2018). Fundamentals of Hydrology and Hydropower Engineering. Nem Chand & Bros.
- Central Water Commission, Government of India (2019). Handbook on Hydroelectric Engineering.
- International Energy Agency (IEA) (2021). Hydropower Status Report. Retrieved from www.iea.org
- Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) (2022). Annual Report on Hydropower Projects in Nepal. Retrieved from www.nea.org.np
- United States Bureau of Reclamation (2020). Design of Small Dams. U.S. Government Printing Office.