Hydro mechanical and Electromechanical Equipment

hydropower, turbines, generators, draft tube, centrifugal pump, reciprocating pump, hydro-mechanical, electro-mechanical equipment

1.1 Hydro mechanical installation in powerhouse Hydro mechanical equipment: Turbine: Classification of hydraulic turbine A. Based on nature of energy head possessed by water at inlet 1. Impulse or velocity turbine 2. Reaction turbine B. Based on direction of flow 1. Tangential flow turbine 2. Radial flow turbine 3. Axial flow turbine 4. Mixed flow … Read more

Spillways and Energy Dissipaters

Energy Dissipation, Hydropower, Stilling Basin, Flip Bucket, Ski-Jump, Hydraulic Structures

1.1 Spillway Function of spillway: Types of spillway: A. Based on control mechanism a. Controlled spillway: b. Uncontrolled spillway: B. Based on purpose a. Main spillway: b. Auxiliary spillway: c. Emergency spillway: C. Based on prominent feature a. Free fall spillway: b. Ogee spillway: c. Side channel spillway: d. Chute spillway: e. Siphon spillway: Cavitation: … Read more

Water Conveyance Structure

1.1 Introduction to power canal, its suitability in hydropower project Power Canal: Suitability of canal in hydropower system 1.2 Hydraulic tunnels Tunnel: Types of tunnel: a.Pressure tunnel: b.Non-pressure tunnel: Purpose of tunnel: Advantage of tunnel: Disadvantage of tunnel: Shape and size of tunnel: Size of tunnel: Shape of tunnel: a.Circular section: b.D-shape section: c.Horse-shoe shape: … Read more

Run-of-River layout of components in a typical power plant

Hydropower, Run-of-River, Renewable Energy, Power Plant Components, Water Intake, Sediment Management, Settling Basin, Hydraulic Design

1.1 General layout of components in a typical power plant 1.Diversion weir: 2.Intake: 3.Gravel trap: 4.Settling basin: 5.Headrace canal: 6.Penstock: 7.Power house: 8.Tailrace: 1.2 Different type of intake Intake Function: Location of intake: Types of intake: 1. Runoff river intake: a.Side intake: b.Frontal intake: c.Drop intake or Bottom rock intake: 2.Reservoir intake: a.Dam intake: b.Tower … Read more

Storage type of Hydropower projects

storage hydropower, hydropower projects, dam classification, reservoir sedimentation, hydropower site selection, failure modes in dams, hydropower gates, embankment dam, concrete dam

1.1 General layout of components in a typical storage power plant 1.Dam: 2. Reservoir: 3.Intake: 4.Spilway: 5.Tunnel: 6.Surge tank: 7. Penstock: 8. Power house: 9. Tailrace canal: 1.2 Dams and their appurtenant works Classification of dam: a.Based on function: 1.Storage dam: 2.Diversion dam: 3. Detention dam: 4. Debris dam: 5. Coffer dam: b.Based an material: … Read more

Power and energy potential study

Power and energy potential study

1.1 Gross, net, operating and design head Gross head: Net head: Operating head: Design head: 1.2 Plant and installed capacity Plant capacity: Installed capacity: Power (P) = η⋅ρ⋅g⋅H⋅Q Where, P = Power (Watts) η = Efficiency of the system (decimal form, typically 0.7–0.9) ρ = Density of water (≈1000 kg/m³) g = Acceleration due to … Read more

Planning and Investigation of Hydropower Projects

hydropower, hydropower project, renewable energy, feasibility study, environmental assessment, reservoir planning, climate change, engineering planning

1.1 Hydropower project planning stages Hydropower project planning stages is divided into three main categories:- 1. Reconnaissance Objective: Major steps are:- 2. Prefeasibility Objective: Major steps are:- 3. Feasibility Objective: Major steps are: 1.2 Hydrological data processing a. Mass curve: Characteristics: Uses: b. Flow Duration Curve (FDC): Characteristics: Use: 1.3 Reservoir planning and regulation Reservoir: … Read more

Introduction to Hydropower Development

1.1 Sources of energy and importance of hydropower Sources of energy: Importance of hydropower: 1.2 Hydropower development in Nepal Historical background: Main hydropower projects of Nepal:- S/N Hydropower Plant Capacity Construction Date 1. Pharping 500 KW 1911 AD 2. Sundarijal 900 KW 1935 AD 3. Phewa 100 KW !969 AD 4. Devighat 14 MW 1983 … Read more