Lateral Earth Pressure Theories

Lateral Earth Pressure, Rankine Theory, Active Earth Pressure, Passive Earth Pressure, Retaining Wall, Soil Mechanics, Civil Engineering

1.1 Definition and type of earth pressure Lateral earth pressure: Lateral earth pressure = K * over burden stress or, σh = K* σv or, σh = K* γZ where, K = Coefficient of lateral pressure Types of lateral earth pressure: 1. Earth pressure at rest 2. Active earth pressure 3. Passive earth pressure 1.2 … Read more

SOIL MECHANICS: Permeability, Determination of Coefficient of Permeability, Lab Method & Field Method, Confined & Unconfined Aquifer

Water has the most significant effect on the behavior of soil. Gravitational water: Percolates through the soil under gravity Pore water pressure at GWT = 0 Soil above GWT is saturated by capillary action (pore water pressure is tensile and negative = -ϒwh) Above GWT – impervious formation above- local saturation Water occurring at local … Read more