Structure of Earth : Plate tectonics and mountain building process, Origin of Himalaya and Geomorphology of Nepal Himalaya

Internal Structure of the Earth  The interior structure of the Earth, similar to the outer, is layered. These layers can be defined by either their chemical or their rheological properties. The earth has an outer silicate solid crust a highly viscous mantle a liquid outer core that is much less viscous than the mantle, and … Read more

Strain Energy Method: due to axial stress, bending, torsion, shear

Strain energy and Complementary Strain Energy When an elastic member is deformed under the action of an external loading the member is said to have possessed or stored energy which is called strain energy. The strain energy stored by a member so deformed is equal to the amount of work done by the external forces … Read more

Structural Mechanics: Types of Structural system, Linearity and Non-Linearity in Structure Analysis

Types of structure The types of structure on the basic of materials used as follow: Steel structure Concrete structure Masonry structure Wooden structure Plastic structure Structural Mechanics Structure mechanics is the branch of mechanics that deals with forces and motion of structural system. It is the computation of deformations, deflections and of structural system. It … Read more

Surveying: Principle, Classification and Unit of Measurement

Definition of surveying: Surveying is the art of determining the relative positions of distinctive feature on the surface of the earth or beneath the surface of the earth, by means of measurements of distances, directions and elevations. The branch of surveying which deals with the measurements of relative heights of different points on the surface … Read more

Introduction to Open Channel flow

Introduction to open channel flow and its practical application: Open channel flow is defined as the flow of a liquid with a free surface i.e. surface having constant pressure such as atmospheric pressure. Rivers, streams, canals and irrigation ditches are the example of open channel flow. Difference between open channel and pipe flows: Open channel … Read more

Hydrostatic Forces on different submerged surface in liquid

What is Total pressure force and Center pressure force? Total pressure: Total pressure is defined as the force exerted by a static fluid on a surface either plane or curved when the fluid comes in contact with the surface. This force always acts normal to the surface. Centre of pressure: Centre of pressure is defined … Read more

Fluid pressure and its measurement

Introduction, intensity of pressure Fluid Pressure at a point Source: Consider a small area dA in large mass of fluid. If the fluid is stationary, then the force exerted by the surrounding then the force exerted by the surrounding fluid on the area dA will always be perpendicular to the surface dA. Let, dF is … Read more

Physical Properties of Liquid

Fluid Mechanics: Fluid mechanics is the branch of science which deals with behavior of fluid (gaseous or liquid). Fluid Mechanics Divided into: a. Fluid Statics It is the study of fluid at rest. b. Fluid Kinematics   It is the study of fluid in motion but we don’t consider any forces. c. Fluid Dynamic It … Read more